In all cases, it is important that the applicant signs a declaration to state that this is a true reflection of their condition and that they are aware that fraudulent claims could lead to a criminal conviction and fine, of up to 1,000. Some local authorities enable the general public to report abuse or misuse. It should be remembered, however, that whilst this may make it difficult to withdraw a badge that is being systematically abused by a friend or family member, a local authority may refuse to reissue a badge if it has reasonable grounds for believing that the applicant would permit another person to use it (Regulation 8(2)(d)(ii) of the Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Wales) Regulations 2000). Appropriate declarations need to be incorporated into the Blue Badge application form in order to enable applicants to give their permission to the local authority to access existing records. are not in themselves a qualification for a badge. It is important that detailed information on the eligibility criteria is provided to all applicants at an early stage to provide realistic expectations and prevent time being wasted by applicants who do not meet the criteria. If there is a further challenge this should be considered by an independent person within the local authority such as the Monitoring Officer. Your local council deals with all Blue Badge enquiries. Blue Badge Scheme in Wales: guidance for local authorities 2021, Blue Badge Scheme in Wales: guidance to local authorities 2021, Blue Badge Scheme in Wales: guidance for local authorities 2021 [HTML], Role of Blue Badge Digital Service (BBDS), Social Model of Disability and the Equality Act 2010, Chapter 1: Blue Badge application process, Chapter 2: Determining eligibility of applicants, Chapter 3: Administering the scheme after the assessment, Annex B: guide to assessing mobility for functional mobility experts, A list of the relevant legislation is at annex a, The Blue Badge Scheme: rights and responsibilities in Wales, The Blue Badge Scheme: organisational rights and responsibilities, Action on Disability: the right to independent living framework and action plan, Parking Card for People with Disabilities in the European Union, the prescribed description of people to whom a badge may be issued i.e. 1. Medical conditions such as asthma, Crohns disease, conditions leading to incontinence and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.) You can follow the link provided here to tailor your experience, or accept all and continue on this page. The Welsh Government has made the following publications available on their website so that they can be downloaded and printed locally: In addition, large print, Braille and audio versions of The Blue Badge Scheme: rights and responsibilities in Wales are available on request from The UK Government has informal reciprocal arrangements in place with many European Union Governments to accept Blue Badges from these countries. An applicant receiving the WPMS will have an award letter from Veterans UK. An example recall letter in these circumstances is provided at Annex E. The Tell Us Once system should be used to ensure that Blue Badges are cancelled as soon as possible after the badge holder dies. You receive the higher rate mobility component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA). It will be important to identify people at the earliest opportunity and if possible whilst they are undergoing initial treatments and therapy to aid their recovery. Other considerations such as difficulty in carrying parcels, luggage or problems getting in and out of vehicles are not to be taken into account. It is strongly recommended that local authorities should issue a warning notice to a badge holder who is misusing a badge, or allowing their badge to be misused, prior to consideration being given to withdrawing the badge. If the applicant applies for a further badge after their temporary badge expires the local authorities should assess their mobility in the normal way, including if necessary referral to the IAS. The Blue Badge scheme provides a national range of parking concessions to help people who are severely sight impaired, or permanently physically impaired, travel independently. Local authorities should consider developing a range of tools and techniques to deal with different types of offenders and different types of offences. When you receive your Blue Badge you will also get a copy of the booklet 'The Blue Badge Scheme: Rights and Responsibilities in Wales'. The most commonly reported problems tend to relate to misuse of the Blue Badge by the friends and family of the badge holder. Local authorities may wish to establish suitable procedures for their enforcement officers to follow but they could include checking the BBDS database; telephoning their local authority to establish further details of the badge / badge holder; or interviewing the person using the badge at the roadside. It may also be possible to prosecute the person offering the badge for sale under section 7 of the Fraud Act 2006, recording of interviews whether written or tape recorded, how to deal with any third party during the interview process, disclosure of evidence prior to interview, provides local authorities with the power to cancel badges no longer held by the person to whom they were issued (e.g. Bear in mind that healthcare professionals do encourage mild exercise to improve certain conditions so these cases will need to be looked at and considered on an individual basis. A shorter model application form has been provided for use in this type of case and the requirement for a photograph can be lifted. It is recommended that local authorities have clear desk instructions on how to administer the scheme, including policy on circumstances when local authorities will charge for a Blue Badge in the case of a replacement or organisational badge, as well as procedures for reviewing decisions. A syringe is attached to the syringe driver and the drug is released through a small needle, Oxygen administration equipment: consists of a tank and regulator with supply equipment for oxygen; mask or nasal prongs and tubing, Continuous oxygen saturation monitoring equipment: involves a device usually strapped to the childs foot or hand. The length of time that an applicant is able to walk for. We use cookies on this site to enhance the user experience. The online service caters for people applying on someone's behalf, and there is also a 'save and return' feature, allowing people to wait for someone to help them complete their application. The serious deterioration that occurs does not need to be permanent but it should require medical intervention for them to recover. See regulation 9(1)(b) of the 2000 regulations. Some Blue Badge applicants may be unhappy about the way the process has been conducted. The maximum fine is 1,000. In areas where parking has not been decriminalised, the police and civil enforcement officers enforce criminal offences and issue Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) on street, and local authorities civil enforcement officers issue Excess Charge Tickets (ECTS) in Council operated car parks. There is a wide range of legislation available to enforcement authorities to enforce the Blue Badge scheme. The Welsh Government has provided guidance and funded an Independent Assessment Service to help authorities undertake assessments. When you Local authorities should also keep a record of the procedures used and the outcome of applications. This is often very difficult for local authorities to prove, even when they know it is happening. The applicants posture, rhythm, coordination, balance and stride should be considered in terms of the degree of effect they have on their ability to walk. Local authorities should note that Welsh Government does not have the power tointervene in individual applications which have not been successful and that they should not advise applicants to appeal to the Welsh Government, unless in the very specific circumstances set out in Regulation 10 of the 2000 Regulations. When a badge holder dies, their badge should be returned to the local authority (Footnote 14). hospital re-enablement teams involved in patient care, local authority social services who assist in patients rehabilitation, health professionals providing specialist services, and these may be paid for privately or, the Independent Assessment Services (IAS) funded by Welsh Government, A good indicator is if the applicant is undertaking a course of rehabilitative therapy, for instance physiotherapy, then the application will merit further assessment by IAS. If possible no other person should be visible in the photograph. Local authorities have been asked to supply information to Welsh Government based on their BBDS standard management report. The scheme as it currently stands is governed by the following Regulations: All of the above Statutory Instruments (and the Acts) can also be viewed on website. This could include a direct employee of the local authority or a contractor. In cases where this is not possible badges may be delivered to the local authority office for collection. It can take up to 12 weeks to process an application. If the local authority is using a specialist in functional mobility they need to determine whether the application meets the criteria found in Appendix B. This requirement has implications for car park operators who may have to demonstrate that, as well as marking out parking spaces for Blue Badge holders, they have taken reasonable steps to ensure that they are available and accessible to people with impairments. People who may be issued with a badge without further assessment are those who are more than two years old and fall within one or more of the automatic eligibility descriptions below. Whether the effort of walking presents a danger to the applicants life, or would be likely to lead to a serious deterioration in their health. See regulation 2(1) of the 2000 regulations. It is recommended that a badge is awarded once an applicants mobility starts to be affected in a way that meets the eligibility criteria. Apply online now on the website. If an applicant can walk 40 metres (44 yards) in less than a minute (a pace of 0.67 metres/second or more), including any stops to rest, then the speed at which they walk is not likely to make walking very difficult when considered in isolation. When you apply you will need to provide an original award letter from the Ministry of Defence. Local authorities should ask for a copy of the original letter if the HRMCDLA has been awarded within a period of 12 months prior to the date of the application for a Blue Badge. Following the investigation, the council has agreed to offer a proper assessment to more than 25 people and review its policies to avoid similar issues recurring. When you apply you will need to provide a driving license coded with 40 (adapted steering) or 79 (vehicles with specifications). The photo should be recent and show the applicants face clearly. This consent should be asked for in the Declaration section of the Blue Badge application form. This can assist with enforcement if such action were to become necessary. The local authority may wish to contact the certifying person where deemed necessary. Non-essential cookies are also used to tailor and improve services. Local authorities need to develop their own procedures setting out circumstances when applicants can re-apply and include this advice in their letters. In the majority of cases there is no statutory appeal process after the local authority has decided to turn down an application (Footnote 9). It can also help you stay active and independent. Local authorities procedures for administering the Blue Badge Scheme need to incorporate the Blue Badge Digital Service (BBDS). No pavement or road is absolutely flat therefore a degree of incline and decline should be considered in the course of a mobility assessment. An applicant who is registered blind or as severely sight impaired will often be registered with the local authoritys Social Services Department (or their agents). However, in these cases, the local authority has the discretion to verify the applicants identity through a review of existing records held. These employees should be reminded that if they use the badge to take advantage of the concessions when there are no passengers in the vehicle who are themselves eligible for a badge they could face a fine of up to 1,000. You appear to be using an unsupported browser, and it may not be able to display this site properly. Local authorities will need to deal with these on a case by case basis. A Blue Badge lets you park closer to your destination. The Disabled Persons Parking Badges Act 2013 does not empower the local authority to use force when attempting to retain a badge. It is used to monitor where a child may need access to oxygen, Casts and associated medical equipment for the correction of hip dysplasia: between birth and six months of age, a brace called a Pavlik Harness can be used to hold the babys hips in position. Evidence will be required to determine whether the impairment is likely to last for a period of 12 months. Local authorities are responsible for the day-to-day administration and enforcement of the scheme. Local authorities will need to capture core data in order to determine eligibility and to process the application through the BBDS to obtain the badge. The Equality Act 2010 allows for the better or more favourable treatment of people with impairments based on evidence, in order to provide equality of opportunity. A Spica cast can be either plaster or fibreglass and will encase the child from the chest down to cover one leg or both. If a badge has been issued, the local authority can require its return under Regulation 9(2)(b) of the Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles)(Wales) Regulations 2000. Publicising a helpline (if sufficiently resourced to be useful) also serves as a deterrent to potential fraudulent Blue Badge users and it instils confidence among people with impairments that the council is responding to this serious issue. After you apply Your local council processes your application. This eligibility criteria is for people who are unable to apply for PIP because they are not of working age or choose not to apply for PIP. In cases where the local authority has accepted and processed an application by telephone, post or electronically and have not seen the applicant, the local authority may prefer that the applicant collects the badge. It is possible that a person applying for the Blue Badge may not meet the general eligibility criteria but have been diagnosed with a terminal condition and have mobility impairments. Applicants should also be reminded that if they consider that there have been procedural irregularities in dealing with their applications, they can report their cases to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales. It is for local authorities to decide which delivery system to use and whether the delivery address should be to the applicants home address or to a local authority office where it can be collected. WebGo to City and County of Swansea Council website You can only use this service to get information about the Blue Badge scheme from councils in England. Applicants will still need to provide the appropriate photographs, any supporting documents required (i.e. Local authority personnel should also be aware of remote access facilities offered by BBDS which allow civil enforcement officers and local authority empowered individuals to access a limited section of the BBDS database from a 3G device. In enforcing the Blue Badge Scheme, we recommend that enforcement officers receive disability awareness training so that they can carry out their duties appropriately. Badges can be abused or misused in a number of different ways and it is important that local authorities are vigilant. You can also use this service to reapply for a Blue Badge. you can apply or re-applyonlineon GOV.UK. The intelligent use of cross-checking existing council records may identify information to support an application under the subject to further assessment walking criterion. GPs are clinicians, who specialise in diagnosis and treatment. Having a common system for processing Blue Badge information and securely printing and distributing badges prevents many types of fraud and abuse. Making use of their specialist skills and resources can enable the enforcement operation to better target their attention, improving success rates. In accordance with the Equality Act 2010, local authorities should provide information about the scheme bilingually and in accessible formats on their website and at locations that are accessible. In order to make the final weeks of life easier for the person local authorities could consider issuing a Blue Badge. A photograph is taken of each badge and booklet dispatched by BBDS as evidence that they have been sent to the badge applicant. To only allow the cookies that make the site work, click 'Use essential cookies only.' In order to help determine eligibility of applications, local authorities could ask the applicant organisations: The Regulations governing the scheme does not specifically mention actual numbers to be cared for in order to qualify for a badge. Eligible organisations may apply for an organisational badge in their own right, however, Welsh Government recommends that where relatively few people meet the eligibility criteria for a badge that the eligible people themselves or their carer /relative should apply for the badge. This then allows the eligible person to use the badge independently of the organisation in any vehicle they travel in as a driver or passenger to visit family/friends or medical appointments etc. Details are set out in the Parking Card for People with Disabilities in the European Union". Your local council processes Blue Badge applications. Accordingly, their name and personal details will have changed. Local authorities will need to carefully consider the evidence provided by applicants. Welsh government recommends that all appropriate available evidence is used and the local authority may wish to take into account the following: Further non-statutory guidance is available to local authorities to assist them in determining whether an individual meets the criteria, by awarding a weighting to the different kinds of evidence that is presented. Visit 'Set cookie preferences' to control specific cookies. There is no time limit set out in legislation on the period for which a local authority can refuse to issue a Blue Badge to an applicant. WebThe Blue Badge scheme provides a national range of parking concessions to help people who are severely sight impaired, or permanently physically impaired, travel Wherever possible the onus is on the applicant to provide supporting evidence. Transsexual and transgender people live permanently in a gender other than that assigned at birth. At the point of application, each local authority must request further relevant evidence, should evidence provided by the applicant be insufficient. The scheme provides a national arrangement throughout the UK of on-street parking concessions for people who experience the greatest barriers to their mobility when seeking to access community based facilities. If you suspect a blue badge is being misused you can report it to us. See regulation 9(1)(c) of the 2000 regulations. These individuals will have been issued with a male or female badge according to whichever gender they are living under. suction of a tracheostomy tube: It is recommended that local authorities treat each application for children under the age of three as a special case. WebBlue Badge Scheme in Wales: guidance to local authorities 2021 Guidance for local authorities on how to deliver the Blue Badge Scheme. Independent person within the local authority or a contractor wide range of and... Photograph can be abused or misused in a way that meets the swansea council blue badge criteria, in cases. The site work, click 'Use essential cookies only. this site properly for a photograph is taken each! Fibreglass and will encase the child from the Ministry of Defence such as Monitoring! Records held work, click 'Use essential cookies only. applicants can re-apply and include this advice in letters... 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