But in this, as in so many other ways, Time Team bucks the trend. This so Heartbreaking. Perhaps we could have a US/Canada version? Im an Englishman, came to Australia as a 12yo in 1970. Perhaps in gthe future we may have a project for a future Time Team, Channel 4 where did it all go wrong? As a Aussie viewer addicted to Time Team (even if we do seem to get more repeats than would seem necessary) I am amazed that this program has been axed. i am disappoited time team is to end after its next series a lot of people learnt more about the history of the uk.My grandchildren learnt more about roman history medieval times and other periods in our countries history than at school, http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/tv_time_team_to_reveal_secrets_of_ancient_norfolk_fort_1_1783360. Never screened and reputedly lost in the Channel 4 vaults, this pilot captured a show that was as radically different to Timesigns as it was to later Time Team episodes. The main loss will be the delight we have got shouting bullshit-ware at the screen as Paul Blinkhorn announces a small lump of stone is in reality early Anglo Saxon teaset. I will miss Mick and Phil and Tony. Coincidentally, digging within a tight timeframe echoed contemporary changes underway in the profession. If they wont reinstate Time Team ,then why not release All episodes in a DVD BOX set . I loved Time Team in its early format but over the years got fed up listening to the boffins suddenly announcing a high status (Favourite phrase of TT) building eg temple or palace had been found after unearthing a piece of stonework that would get lost in my rockery. The fun gone out of Sunday teatime! I do not know he was pretty good towards the end at his archeology. How DARE they axe Time Team, it has been one of my few regular watches for a long time. The team of Tony, Mick, Phil, Stuart, John, Carenza, Brigid, Guy, etc etc filled me with warmth and satisfaction. Just imagine all our Patreon subscribers sitting down to watch Time Team and thinking: We made this happen!. Find out more about how we use your information in our privacy policy and cookie policy. There was a youthful energy to them back them, which was part of the attraction. However, they added: Intelligence, natural curiosity and a passion for archaeology is a must.. People seem to enjoy them. thank god for the repeats. Best wishes, good luck and Gods speed to the lot of you! To me time team brought all facets of history alive to the ordinary person. I too am upset that this has been axed. Im 78 years old. Pity arise Sir Phil???? For me Time Team was a cultural oasis in a desert of dumb and lazy TV. I was digging my veg patch yesterday and I found a napped piece of flint. This program has opened up so much of Great Britain to me and I am in love with suach a picturesque landscape and such a rich history. My own favourite was Stuart, to see him on his bike or wandering around looking at the landscape with his ability to fit any site into its landscape. I agree with Brian, a petition might make Ch4 sit up and realise that we, the viewers, have got brains and like to watch programs with interesting and informative content. Series Producer and creator of Time Team, Tim Taylor says, They did it! In fact, since Tony had no input at all into what digs were scheduled, I dont see how that could even begin to be true. I will miss it desperately and want to say thank you to them all.. What a fantastic 20 years Bye bye Tme TeamI will care for Phils hat .. Without Time Team I would not have known how much I could enjoy archaeology and Im pretty sure its why my 7 year old wants to be an archaeologist when she grows up. Thanks Guys! I have told so many people about Time Team & my grand daughter has been trying to decide should she be an archaeologist or a geologist because of it. My nana came from England in 1901. The dig is important because the whole are is soon to be developed as a tourist complex with golf course. I will miss time team I have watch all the series since it start Also I dont know how many episodes Ive got left to watch and am dreading the day I realise Im rewatching episodes Ive seen before, though thats still better than pretty much anything else on TV at the moment. So we manage to get something enjoyable, which at the same time is also useful. Obviously I am not the only Australian (albeit English-born) to miss Time Team. It must have been amazingly hard to pull together the locations, permits, and logistics, add the art, historical research, music and local involvement, let alone process the dig sites. Telly Tubbies. Archaeology enthusiast from Europe and the United States have long discovered the series. And if you do, please include the adorable and hilarious Raksha Dave, dear Francis Pryor and Stewart Ainsworth, all of whom have places near and dear to my heart. This was highlighted by having a member of the public read out a letter of invitation at the beginning, posing the question they wanted answered. I feel really, really angry about it. and the entire bunch breathed fresh life into the sometimes boring subject of Archaeology. Please BBC take this show under your wings ! This segregates the viewers and leaves fans like me stuck in the middle and slightly upset at the notion that my favorite programmes have been taken over by people who havent got a idea. There is such a thing as going on too long with any endeavor, and in watching this series the definition of too long is clear. A known anthropologist and archeologist ( Emmanuel College, Cambridge ), to describe and dismiss her as a former model is a bit unfair. I am totally gutted to learn of the demise of TT. Time Team brought so much into my life, being bed ridden, television being a large part of my life now. There are quite a few of us down here watching repeats ( up to 5 times) but even so they are still interesting. I have watched Time Team from the beginning and love the earlier episodes and although its sad that its going it has changed considerably.Not the same without Mick his enthusiasm makes for great watching. This photograph was taken at a recent catch-up with some of the Team: John Gater, Helen Geake, Carenza Lewis, Tim Taylor, Dani Wootton, Jim Mower, and Stewart Ainsworth, all of whom are . The final piece of the jigsaw fell into place during the fledgling Time Teams first episode. Sadly, my wife passed away in January 2012 but I carried on watching it until it ended. Quod erat demonstrandum. What about the good time team has done? What a shame to see TT let go. Inspiring stuff. Channel 4 obviously think we are all brain dead morons who need to watch the endless mind numbing soaps or the even more pathetic American rubbish that now dominates our screens. Speak for your self! I take my hat off to them. In 2005, Carenza Lewis left to pursue other interests. Im sure it was meant to interest younger viewers in Archeology, a noble enough concept. My youngest daughter honed her love of history sitting with me on a Sunday evening watching Mick and Tony et al. And really, TT changed my life! The first show of 1994 featured a young, dark, long-haired Tony The Wildman Baldric Robinson, with a equally younger long haired Mick Aston, some of which was not quite all grey. For those people who wish to view old episodes back to day 1 surely all you need to do is put channel 4, possibly you may need to add UK.com, if overseas, into your search engine,register on line,confirm e mail address and then enter Time Team in the search box.You can even view Time Signs the original pilot series. Also it being on an increasingly miserable Channel (4) did it no favours whatsoever. Many of my friends would love to travel to the UK because of shows like Time Team and Escape to the country. Who is Mary Ann & what does she bring to the table? irritating but he was a part of a recipe that worked for a long time. Stewart has been interested in history since the age of eleven, after reading a book about Horatio Nelson. Surely a revamp, no helicopters, fewer paid staff, smaller archaeological objectives, involve communities more hence free labour would help. I could have watched it for another 20 years. Sadly,she passed away 2 years ago but before she went, she told me not to forget to watch TT. Time Team To Be Reinstated! That is, the irritating new team members, the irritating clanging noise when Tony narrates and the increasingly less time spent in the trenches. So disappointed to hear the show has been axed. I am an ex water board worker and I still don t know where they obtained the patience to go into a hole in the ground and dig with a trowel. I will have to content myself with watching the 4OD repeats for ever now. Mick the Dig joined Time Team early on as our resident excavation supervisor and was personally responsible for Time Team's biggest ever hole - at Blaenavon, Wales (an honour that looks unlikely to be beaten any time soon!). catty remarks what catty remarks it is like every other tv program if it is not a soap opera or so called reality tv it gets brushed aside ch4 is one big yawn if you dont agree just what else is worth the price of electricity. Please bring back Time Team with Tony Robinson. I thought the 2013 series was an improvement on the 2012 series, but tonights episode was disappointing. I dont think a Presenter is supposed to be a devils advocate. I am sooooo sad that it is going and so is my family and friends..I would like to know what every one is going to do now our friends we see every week,I love the banter between everyone but no more. I feel like i know all of the presenters personally they had that effect on people.I watched it evolve over the years and couldnt wait for each knew series. Time Team isnt the same without Mick and Phill is the token hot tottie (uh hum!) Us all. We have it so easy in this day and age to compare to others in the past and we so loved it when Tony came to Australia and did some shows about our ancestral heritage,we all walk past so much and never notice whats in front of us,we miss so much rich knowledge right under our feet. His technique fostered a sense of immediacy for viewers, placing them on the trench edge when discoveries happened and making them privy to key discussions. Bringing in that awful woman for the last series was the straw that broke the camels back. Poor. I have offten mention to my husband, I wonder what the site look like after the the TT have left. swinging camera booms. Tapped into the national zeitgeist, its stars were household names and at its zenith Time Team was pulling in audiences of 3 3.5 million viewers. Mick Aston was a remarkable person intelligent and well informed but still able to get complicated concepts across in an way that was accessible to all. Ridiculous. Will miss them! I do not think that the British tourism board and channel 4 realize how much interest world wide their is in British history. Time Team is a victim of Channel 4s misguided quest for progress, and we hope that, in some form, the programme may rise like the phoenix from the ashes and take on a persona not far removed from the popular format. It seems there was no need for one before Womens Studies and all those other nonwhite studies. There is a huge following in Australia and after the debacle with the producers bringing in you know who as a co-presenter (of cleavage), the show started its slow path to division. what fools these youngsters are. i never knew the show existed until last year 2021. any chance for reunions and a chance to interact as like conventions do here in the usa? I really didnt like that nasty dendrochronologist who wouldnt show his results though idiot! I cant help being captivated by the digs. Axing time team is a huge mistake. Said no-one, ever. and long may you show them PLEASE pauline x, I am trying to get a contact e-mail address for Tim Taylor (IV) because a group of archeologists in Canada would like to see a Time Team Canada started and we need advice and any other help from the expert. It has also helped me find out more about my own history that goes back to U.K. Have caught onto Time Team on the History Channel. Certainly the revamp for the 2012 programmes didnt do the programme any favours but another reason for the loss of viewers even before that must have been the lack of a fixed time in the schedules. Stewart Ainsworth FSA (born 26 June 1951) is a British archaeological investigator who is regularly seen on Time Team the Channel 4 archaeological television series he joined in 1995. As is the case with so many entertainment channels, these days the focus is on the younger generation. It is the ONLY program I think worth watching in all the rubbish put on these days ! Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England, Imagine spending an entire weekend with Time Team's Stewart Ainsworth Learning How to Decode the Landscape, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Stewart_Ainsworth&oldid=1140539218, People of the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 20 February 2023, at 15:01. He completed his undergraduate and Master's degrees at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London before embarking on a career in commercial archaeology. R.i.P. We range in age from 8yrs to 82yrs and have loved Tony, Mick, Phil, Carenza, Helen, Faye, geophys John and most of all Stuart. Poor second best but something is better than nothing. . certainly helped to fill a lot of university places, even if many of those gaining degrees have gone on to other careers. Not blaming her particularly, but her entry seemed to also disturb the group dynamics of the cast, which was one of the things that made it so enjoyable. I have loved it from the first episode and who cares if Tony is a little OTT sometimes, he keeps it entertaining and all together. Please, please would someone bring the show back, This is just another example of Managements old adage: Its perfect; lets New and Improve it My wife and I are from the States and discovered Time Team on Amazon Prime after watching/ loving other British shows- Rick Steins culinary travels, Timothy Wests canal cruising, etc. [emailprotected]. Channel 4 you need looking at!!! Gee I feel gutted. RIP Channel 4. fingers crossed, The show never recovered from the loss of Faye Simpson in my opinion. I am sure the essence of archeology would be attractive to a core audience once again. I just love this programme and am very sad to hear that there will be no more. We are pleased to share the winners of years CA Awards, announced on 25 February at Current Archaeology Live! You are going to be missed more than most of us realise. Yes, we all love the longtime archaelogists (sorry, cant do stars I would say they wouldnt like it either it is rather derogatory of their abilities!) I know more today of English history and Roman occupation than I ever did before. By the way, if the executives mild revamp caused viewer figures to plummet, how come it was the programme and not those executives who got the flak? Big Bang (repeat), Simpsons (repeat), Simpsons (another repeat), Maid in Manhattan (good grief!). I started looking to find more information about the history of Henham park & was so sad to see the show has been axed. Phew! 2023. All I can tell u is that I was hooked. With 1.5 million views a month on the Time Team Classics YouTube channel in 41 countries worldwide, the new programs will premiere on YouTube, with additional behind-the-scenes content on the platform Patreon. Beautifully expressed, Andrew. He worked for several commercial units including Oxford Archaeology and MoLAS (as was), until he started a career at L-P Archaeology. Have only just found out that Time Team has been axed after 20 years and I am gutted. During that time he deduced the towns Medieval layout. ARE THEY NUTS? I am a 57 year old Aussie and I watched this program every episode I could see. Yes very sorry to see TT go, Sky at night still going both are just as important to us here on Earth and I think it will be missed in the future though the recordings are still available to evertbody but the forum is lost, Grrrr channel 4. Much has been said about this show on this site but I think that all of you would be best served by reading what Raksha had to say. My heart goes out to his family. Oh well, TV is doomed. I agree entirely. By the summer of 2012 Channel 4 no longer wanted old Time Team. Youve said it all, I totally agree! It brought the money and expertise to investigate sites that would otherwise never have been touched. I have only recently discovered TT and am currently watching 4 episodes a day, courtesy of More 4 and Discovery History channels, and am utterly devastated to learn that it has been axed. My absolute favorite TV program! do they ever have reunions whereby you could meet the surviving characters.. i hate computers these days, they act up. Now we are nearing the end of Series XX I feel a tinge of sadness that a programme which both educates and informs will be with us no more. While the TV producers have obviously ruined a formula that entertained and educated millions of people worldwide for a couple of decades, I assume it is now beyond recall. Very sad that all great things have to come to an end one day. Filmed at Athelney, site of Alfred the Greats apocraphal burnt cakes, the site was scheduled, precluding excavation. Give it back all the back room staff and put new life into it , a great progame killed off for no reason , Len. Time Team was the product (exclusively) of Channel 4 a commercial TV-only company that was created in the early 80s. Somehow I feel her nearness when I watched it after she was gone. We do have money too you know. Weve been able to order some DVDs from Australia, but we have missed many of the series since we moved here, and there is no way to watch them online. Eight years after the long-running archaeology series stopped filming, Time Team is set to return with two new excavations scheduled for later this year. I was surfing the internet to obtain correct titles for some episodes that I recorded earlier. Despite their varied talents and backgrounds it quickly became apparent that the team had a natural chemistry. Just started to watch the latest series on C4, very very sad to be losing it soon. I was devastated to hear of the demise of this wonderful programme, but once they made the decision to bring in the awful Mary Ann Ochota as a co-presenter, the programme was doomed. This programme could have run and run with the younger people such as Helen Geake, Brigid, Matt and Raksha taking it into the next 20 years. Time Team cancelled by Channel 4? And this program had run its course several years ago. TT was an outstanding program. 2012 was a very low point and i half expected it to end right then. But, as always with Time Team, the adventure is in the discovery of the secrets of the past, whatever they are!, Landowner Martin Fiennes a cousin of actors Ralph and Joseph Fiennes, and explorer Sir Ranulph says: Were delighted to welcome Time Team to Broughton. Regards, Paul Tressel [emailprotected], Time Team was a massive part of my life, Im still watching it even now on more 4 :O. Dont think that the U.K. has the monopoly on scrapping popular shows it happens here in N.Z. TV & life not the same as early 1990s but I think the format is still sound (just dont turn it into on old OU prog). However, as a viewer I hugely enjoyed the opportunity to share in the Teams excitement. We NEED Time Team. Completely unable to absorb and assimilate well presented information in an entertaining style, and you completely misread the ironic style of Tony Robinson. !I have just retired and it would be perfect NOW. Special thanks also to the fantastic people behind the research, graphics, computer animation that added so much to each episode. In 2003, I joined the amateur Biggar Archaeology Group which, among other achievements, discovered the oldest known archaeological site in Scotland. Mary Ann Ochota qualified or not added nothing substantive unless the viewer was starved for gratuitous cleavage shots and huge white beaverish teeth. Exploring the archaeology of the Roadford Reservoir, Devon, this came about after Tim Taylor approached Mick Aston to present the series. Your email address will not be published. Usually clad in a loud jumper, with his white hair blowing in the wind, Professor Aston was the shows site director who chose where to dig for the next historical discovery. The writing was on the wall when it regularly began featuring cleavage shots of diggers and the dreaded re-enactments. Somehow they know that the user is in the US and access is denied. Congratulations to all concerned on a great program. Watched it since the beginning, some great episodes and fantastic digs. Ozzy John has it right, Anne Marie put a wall in to TT and it showed in every show afterwards, when you see the fun they all had prior to he joining, she should be ashamed of her achievement in dissolving a great show. Channel Four seem to be missing a trick that gthe BBC would have undoubtedly have profited from by issuing DVDs of the most important digs over the years. My own thoughts are this, why should we allow channel 4 to take this away from us, are the Team ready to call it a day or do they feel like me that there are another thousand potential sites out there to dig. Desperate for a good documentary to watch over a late dinner, I discovered Tony Robinsons Time Team special on the Mesolithic and Doggerland. Immediately, I was hooked. And, unlike Phil and Mick, one didnt long to give her a haircut!! You only have to look at the great interest shown over Richard III to realise that yes there is a market for a programme of this nature. Tony Robinson is proud of the programmes success in making archaeology accessible. Here in South Africa we ahave been treated to some series and odd programs which I really enjoyed. Time Team you have inspired so many people .THANK YOU. A former academic at Bristol and Oxford universities, he has worked tirelessly to bring archaeology to a wider audience. Regarding Time Team's potential return, which was realised in 2022 after an eight-year hiatus, Ainsworth said: "Time Team has probably been one of the biggest things that has happened to archaeology for many years to make archaeology and history accessible, and we need to keep that profile going whatever way we can. Its sad to see another worthwhile educational program going by the wayside. While the allure of such sites created a powerful television spectacle, it also marked a move away from the programmes humble local archaeology origins. Not a Tony Robinson fan myself but he is part of the show. It worked before, if you think about it. This is true Reallity Television. Requested by a commissioning editor to wear more colourful clothing Mick turned up in the most garish garment he could find as a joke, only to be told it was perfect. C4 have put money into British Archaeology, when no one else could or would presumably, and as has been pointed out, much of that money went into post excavation work, which although not good TV is absolutely vital as far as each site is concerned. Time team is irreplaceable. Yes please BBC4 or anyone sensible Time Team will always be popular if you listen to Tony (yes I am a fan) Mick and Phil and Helen (yes I am an even bigger fan of these guys). Please bring Time Team back. Even after its star began to wane Time Team remained popular. Thats fairly unusual.. Victor is a great artist and bought sites to life. How many programmes can a entertain a whole family at the same time, not many. Gutted! Spoilt in the end by Fixing something that want bust. Have just watched the very last episode of my beloved Time Team And feel desperately sad.. I didnt always like the reenactments but it was interesting when they dealt with diet and medical issues. Self - Aston Eyre, Shropshire (1998) . Perhaps there were too many Roman sites with their predictable layouts. I hope its not the end of Time Team. If an episode costs 200,000 and average 1.5 million viewers, would 1 million be willing to pay 20p via mobile phone or subscription towards making it, or 400,000 willing to pay 50p per episode? Also, the most recent posters may not have heard of Mick Astons premature death. They will be joined by new faces representing the breadth of experts practising archaeology today. He brought archeaology to the public domain and helped us discover where our nation began, how it grew and how it is still changing. The major players seem tired and cranky, and while they are all professionals and are trying very hard to be positive and upbeat, its obvious that they are trying, and that ruins it. As an aside seeing your label Non-Richardian Yorkist what are your feelings about the parking lot discovery? Yes as convicts and bloody proud of it. Its December 2016, My Hubby and I live in Queensland Australia,we have Foxtel and have the old shows on a series link and never get tired of watching the Time Team. Why cant these so-called clever people just leave things alone. Jim summed up their approach as messing with something perfectly fine, and when it wasnt a success, blaming the people trying to make it work., Time Teams cost also made it vulnerable. In 1994 January 16th until 2012.rip time team along with mick Aston I would echo it completely. Though Professor Aston appears with the new recruits in the current series, he will not join the 20th series, which starts filming in April and is due to be shown this year. A viewer i hugely enjoyed the opportunity to share in the end Time... On watching it until it ended years and i am not the only program i worth! I know more today of English history and Roman occupation than i ever before. End of Time Team, then why not release all episodes in a desert of dumb and lazy TV 25! 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