What if Logan and Victor were mutant Adams? Hidden Wings Chapter One, a Dark Angel + NCIS Crossover fanfic | FanFiction Hidden Wings By: Maixcell.xv Max, Logan, and Alec stopped the world from pretty much coming to an end then went on their separate ways with new lives. Heartless. Tony ultimately choosing to flee the building with the boy in tow. He knows that one day, Tony will find that woman, that person who fits him and makes him happy. He feels Tony shaking against him, and he sighs softly. There was a pretty run down theater over on 42nd Street where she used to take Tony. Beneath him is nothing but death in the form of gray cement. And Tony was done being the only one on the other side. She changes them just as much as they change her. Would it matter what Tony wanted Ducky had said that he had been sedated, too. What if Tony Stark had a mix of both their powers? Someone who was worth all the pain. There was a line drawn in the sand, and Gibbs, Vance, Abby, and Tony's partners were all on one side. and the team are all cruel, malicious, and want to hold him from his true potential in a abusive relationship.. NCIS season 18 is finally on the cards but long-time fans of the show will still be missing Michael Weatherly's Tony DiNozzo. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Ducky is like a father-figure to DiNozzo due to his advice and understanding. She made the phone call, McGee said. He was terrible at relationships, he had tried with Kate, Jeanne, EJ, and even Ziva. Gibbs turns slowly to face Tony, and the Italian man gasps at the look in his eyes, harsh and unforgiving, with a dark edge of lust. Linda was also Tony Junior's godmother. Tired of manipulations from NCIS Tony quits, and goes to Hawaii with his son TJ for an overdue vacation. They had already placed Ziva on a gurney and McGee had been seated next to her. "The Little Prince" was the last movie they saw before his mother's death. Tony is a collard Sub who has lost the most important person in his life, his Dom. He was back from being an agent afloat but something wasn't right in his head. With his shoulder and thigh shot, one leg injured from Gibbs kick and the other leg already holding one bullet from the night before Gibbs saw the amateurish way it had been wrapped in what looked like a shirt and his wrists handcuffed together, Marcus Williams wouldnt be going anywhere. Not that he might not die anyway. Its not a lie Abby was quite upset by everyone thinking she would quit. During his time at Ohio State, he was on the varsity basketball team and made it to the Final Four before losing to UCLA. It was later revealed that Tony had a choice: save the boy or risk their lives to save Amber. Duckys words echoed between them, the car filling with the words, deafening in the silence. He had lost weight in those weeks - unsurprisingly, considering that Tim had not seen Tony eat once in the time he had been in Bethesda. The three continued deeper into the woods, following the trail. Yet, the reason why it has taken so long is mainly because ofeverything that is happening around them. I did not think she started when the doors had closed behind her, I did not imagine this., I dont think anyone can imagine this, Gibbs said. If only the universe knew how important Gregory's mission is as well. Set early in CACW. How would they solve this??? What if Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr adopted Tony Stark? He sounds tired, but Tim doesnt get a chance to say anything more. He shot Ziva but dont worry about her, shes tough.. Fury May have Gregory Stark over a barrel, but he's still no pushover. Shes not like anyone else he knows which is what attracted him to begin with and shes accepting of everyone. While in Ohio State, Tony saw a townhouse on fire and rushed inside, finding a young boy inside a closet. Melliana Jessica Grey is an abused, lost, scared 9 year old runaway. She didnt scream, but she lay writhing on the ground. Once he came back, Tony had looked like the living dead - and then he had proceeded to save Tim's life by nearly getting blown up. Uncaring. Perhaps she was waiting for him here.. Hes careful Tony seems to have almost fallen asleep against him, and he doesnt really want to wake him up. He shrugs and tries to make his words sound nonchalant. If she wasnt here of her own free will, why would she wait for him? McGee asked. You are under arrest for the murder of Marie Callahan. He doesnt mean anything by it. Gibbs had been forced to shower and change in the adjacent changing room, and he wore thin blue clothes supplied by the hospital that felt more like plastic than cloth. I don't hate Team Cap. He threatened her with a gun and told her to take the knife, otherwise shed die too., He cut his hair to look different, Gibbs said, and then decided he needed a hostage?, He hadnt planned on her being there when he killed Callahan, Ziva said, But yes. It leaves no traces., Boss! called McGee from his point a bit higher up on the cliff. Abbys call was a welcome interruption as Gibbs made his way down the side of the river, eyes roaming for a hint of blood. Tim worries, even though he knows that if Tony realizes just how much he worries, Tony would tease him even more than he already does. Of course, no one is more surprised than Iron Man when the villain touches the arc reactor and his world falls away from him. Grief, guilt, and trauma recovery are all tangled up with government red tape and Tony's head is spinning. His breathing was labored, wheezing painfully. Tony has disappeared into the building, and Tim starts the car. What if he had the power to control literal darkness? It had been the crappiest weekend he'd had in a long time. Tony is struggling with Kate's death, his job at NCIS, and the fact that none of his relationships seem to work out. How far would he be able to walk if hed been shot? McGee asked, sounding rather doubtful. The blood trail ends here, McGee said, looking across the river. Tim doesnt have any high hopes for Tony calling, but at least he wasnt shot down. This has Tony grinning at him. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. He also understands that Anthony DiNozzo had a tough relationship with Anthony DiNozzo Senior until Gibbs talked to Senior about fixing his relationship with Tony DiNozzo. She kept blocking him, but he added her with new addresses. His thoughts traveled straight back to Tony. Her clothes were torn and dirty, and they seemed far too light for the chilly weather. Youre shaking, Tim says, because he feels Tonys body vibrate slightly against his own. He doesnt find anything but her purse, and he hands it over to Gibbs, who nods. ", All of the prompts come from here So credit to them. Between the danger of the past and the threat of the present, Tonys life hangs in the balance. Tony leaves NCIS and moves to Hawaii. They told me it was a through-and-through, but there was some blood loss and theyll be keeping her overnight, to see that it doesnt get infected or cause any other trouble., See to it that she stays, Gibbs said, his voice rough. When the team finally catches a break, Special Agent DiNozzo seems like the obvious person turn to for answers. But yeah. The others hadnt been up on the cliff at all, but had trekked through the trees straight to the point where Ziva had gone into the water. He is fairly laidback when it comes to interrogation and helped Joey by offering him a piece of gum and doesn't want to chew gum alone, however when the situation comes to getting louder just like in Bounce (episode), he got louder at Mitch Wilkins after how he wanted to know after Justin Grady was killed and the reason why he killed Justin Grady with the pictures on how Renny Grant and Carl Davis were framed as well as Justin Grady being killed with reference of The Three Stooges. They had no way of knowing if Tony was seriously injured or not, and Im sure they were even more anxious when they heard the helicopter approaching.. They probably walked for a while in the water, Gibbs said. He needs to talk to her, make sure she knows shes still loved and very wanted. They found a small clearing where burnt wood told them that someone had started a fire there not long ago. NCIS | Action Fanfiction Tony Dinozzo Tim Mcgee Ziva Jethroe Gibbs. Even though Tony had been adopted as a baby, the world still saw him as the weapons manufacturer's son. And after all, a human is 60% water. He holds out his hand to Tony, figuring that that cant be too gay at least. His face was set, white, his thoughts traveling dangerously away from his driving, to Tony. To no avail. Theyre bringing it to me now, but theyve already found bloody clothes in the trunk.. The doctors had quickly learned that there was no point in trying to get him to leave at any other time. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Tim cant help but ask, You sure youre gonna be okay?, Theres an attempt at the usual grin when Tony replies. Tony had gotten kidnapped at the age of 2. What if Tony had the power to steal luck? She might want to discharge herself.. It was easily a thirty foot drop. Theyre not giving him great odds.. That same night he also meets someone that shakes his world up a little and makes him consider the many paths his life could take. He merely motions for Tim to check out Arnetts car for any further evidence. No longer feeling safe at NCIS, when an opportunity comes along from an old acquaintance, Tony jumps at the chance. She broke off suddenly, having caught the same change as Gibbs. Youd be surprised with what people can survive with and walk around with, Gibbs said, and he tried not to let his mind return to Tony and the scarred lungs he worked with every day. He turned the man over, ignoring the scream of pain that emerged from the man, and placed handcuffs around his wrists. Gibbs held back a satisfied smile Rosenbergs pain wouldnt lessen Tonys illness. I think Ive got it, boss, said the raspy, static voice. All you've done thus far is make the team their tea while they chill at their hideout. Tony completed his 12th grade year there, graduating high school in 1989. If its not, then its a kinda odd coincidence that its just two feet away from the blood trail, McGee said. He wonders what it would be like to say the same things to Tony. It had nothing to do with the oh, so fine SEAL commander who'd just come abroad. He doubted she would ever allow him such a show of emotion when she was awake, which meant that he had to grab the opportunity when she was sedated. We do not know if she is here by her own free will or not, Ziva said. She mightve just been at the wrong place at the wrong time. DiNozzo's mother died when he was only 8 and this triggered DiNozzo's own miserable childhood as his father struggled to look after him on his own. He drives off, with a sigh, comforting himself with the knowledge that at least Tony is safe, and alive, and he is that way because of Tim. During his childhood, DiNozzo also owned some Sea Monkeys until his mother accidentally drank them, having confused their sea castles with her mint julep. He wondered just when he had fallen when had that beaming face, those silly movie references, and the exciting darkness that Tony had just beyond the faade he put up, become what Gibbs looked forward to meeting every morning? Gibbs slept and stayed in the clean room for as much of the twenty-four hours of the day as the doctors would allow him, leaving only for food, which he couldnt bring into the clean room, and toilet breaks. Her arm was in a sling and she looked annoyed that she was being pushed around in a wheelchair. Time was precious, and perhaps he ought to be spending it by Tonys side, saying the things he should have said long ago. He moved with the stealth one acquires after years of sniper training, with no sound as his feet moved over the ground, eyes trained steadily on the spot where he knew the shooter sat. Fifteen minutes later, when he heard the flapping of helicopter rotor blades, Gibbs led Annie Reed to the waiting medical personnel. The blood loss indicates that he was not hit in any major artery.. You may touch him, you know, Ducky said over the speakers. Perhaps he ought to talk about it with Abby. That earns him a punch in the shoulder that holds none of Tonys usual strength. Tony finds that out first hand when he hits the genetic lottery and everything changes.Nothing will ever be the same. In the process of his investigation he gets involved with Steve McGarrett and the 5-O team. After Loki kidnaps Tony Stark and traps him in ice to lure out the Avengers, Tony reveals his power and escapes. He has several email accounts., He has several identities, Abby, Gibbs said. It felt as though he was submerged under water; he couldnt breathe. Readers of The Deepest Significance, chapter four: Cosmicuniverse.net 2002-2013 Her life changes even after her case is closed. No, you dont, Mister Agent, said a male behind him, and he felt the barrel of a gun in his back. They sit quietly, Tony leaning against Tim. When she runs into Ziva David, an NCIS agent. Him and McGee both had a tough relationship due to his constant teasing with his nicknames of his last name. A little further down to the right, and she would have been history. Her life changes even after her case is closed. Youre afraid of heights, McGee, Tony says, and I was hanging off a seven story drop. Works and bookmarks tagged with Tony has Wings will show up in Winged Tony Stark's filter. But on the other side was light hurting light, but light nonetheless, white hot pain that he did not want to go near, and yet it beckoned him. What if Tony Stark was a Mutant? After all, a human is over 70% water. Should he go see Tony? But he is strong enough, and suddenly, theyre both sitting on the ground, panting heavily. He was on a mission to infiltrate the Avengers and take them down from the inside. I saw that he was unwell and I. Tony radiated energy, usually with that gorgeous smile of his, lighting up the day even though Gibbs pretended not to notice. He wonders if Tony will call some girl Tims certain hes got a few in his phone book just for comfort sex, or something and he tries not to feel jealous of the imaginary woman he thinks up. Being that one in a million isn't always a good thing. We got him at least, Gibbs muttered. The guy was a murderer, and his victim had been their co-worker and hed been a transvestite only to keep his cover. Asset, a word Tony knows all too well. Spencer Reid has to spend a month with NCIS while Tony DiNozzo takes his place as a profiler at the BAU. You're able to heat up water to the boiling point. Him and Fornell have respect for Gibbs, they do have a difficult relationship because DiNozzo was framed for killing Ren Benoit by Trent Kort until they have respect for each other from the death of Diane Sterling. I usually am.. He was devastated in every way, every time, "It's long Ziva." Tony said. He had mistrusted Director Sheppard and it had got her killed. Her eyes traveled back and forth over Tonys still body, taking in the machines that Gibbs had been staring at for the last eighteen hours, since they had come to Bethesda. Spencers heat is close and instead of being home with his alpha, he is dragged to the club by his teammates. His dads know, but now it's time to show the world. McGee, take DiNozzo home before he crashes and pukes all over the place, Gibbs says, and Tim ignores the way his heart leaps at the thought of going to Tonys place. That's seriously be like finding a unicorn at the bottom of a rainbow-type rare. Gibbs had to remind himself that she had not been around when Tony had first been sick she had become a part of the team a couple of weeks later. He thinks he might just suffocate on how much he cares - because there are flowers in his lungs, and they can't seem to go away. 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