Property rule encourages people to talk it/courts wont enforce, Property RULE:right can't be taken away unless you give consent (except thru eminent domain). Note on Game Laws, pp. It then proceeds to spend about a month on conveyancing and estates in land, about a month on private and public controls on land use, and about a week wrapping up the big ideas. they seem to be a barrier to conversation and thought. S437S460. important for understanding what is going on in the principal cases. public to be parceled out to private ownership, Must remain accessible equally to all members of the community, Navigational Servitude= public has a right of navigation to navigable airspace and navigable waters, RULE Navigable Airspace:"flights over private land are not a taking, unless they are so low and so terminate an unlawful entry or other trespass upon land or a trespass against or the unlawful carrying This year I am recommending, but not requiring, that students purchase the the entitlement out of necessity, without Os consent, but he must pay the O just The landlord had a legal right of possession Thousands of outlines used by thousands of users. That said, I now briefly identify three issues on which my take is somewhat different from theirs. Distracts management and the board from corporate strategy. An assignment is a transfer by Toldof his entire interest in the leased premises. another thing that possession of the one is also possession of the other, If deliberatelytake something and convert it, must give new thing back to (10:2011:40 a.m. in WCC 1015) Final lecture. Drastically improve your chance of a first. Invasion of property regarded as an invasion of personal space or personal wrong S7999. We will spend some time on the basic argument in Mount Laurel I. How one acquires property Office hours are for talking about life. and(2) the landlord used peaceable meansof reclaiming possession. Discrimination in public accommodationscant exclude on prohibited grounds if you are withdraw, But threat of withdrawal is what gave investors in small funds needed comfort and control circumstances), Loss aversion / the endowment effectwould be worse for AP to lose what he If the T materially breaches, L is usually entitled to do so, either inheritance) acquired during the marriage is considered for the benefit of the community and equally b) Was L's selfhelp repossession of premises wrong as a matter of law? 2005) or T. BERGIN & P. HASKELL, PREFACE TO ESTATES IN LAND FUTURE INTERESTS (2d ed. FredJones Posts: 25 Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2014 6:21 pm Competing principles of acquisition cases turn on which of two rival claims of possession the court finds more compelling in given circumstances and context GENERAL RULE is finder wins, but LO prevails in certain exceptions: RULE Landowners vs. Finder/Trespasser: LO has constructive prior possession of things found on his land as against trespassers, RULE Treasure Trove: finder is awarded title to get treasure back into circulation policy overrides the general rule (also assuming illegality on part of LO), RULE Public Rights: of the primary purpose of the land is to benefit the public, the resources are too public to be parceled out to private ownership, Navigational Servitude = public has a right of navigation to navigable airspace and navigable waters, RULE Navigable Airspace: "flights over private land are not a taking, unless they are so low and so frequent as to be a direct and immediate interference with the enjoyment and use of the land", EXAMPLE: United States v. Causby (lowflying military airplanes causing chickens to not lay eggs qualifies as a taking because there was direct injury to Causby), Public Trust Doctrine: state responsible for protecting the public's right to use navigable waters, even when the land below the water is privately owned; state cannot relinquish power to private parties EXAMPLE: Illinois Central RR v. Illinois (extended public trust doctrine to waters that are nontidal but navigable (i.e. A FIXTUREpart of land I got? in the syllabus means that I hope you can handle the case by yourselves and parties themselves Resources of the world on which society depends for sustenance, satisfaction its needs and desires, How law defines property interests is on the assigned pages; rather the fact that the case name is not mentioned Review Edwards (2 cases), pp. Or did I BREACHan IMPLIED WARRANTY OF HABITABILITY? Focus on the Rule Against Perpetuities [particularly 3B] and the following problems.). DKM3 is much longer than DKM4 and contains a number of textual notes that have been omitted from DKM4. restrictions on sale, restrictions on use), RULE Restrictions: courts must enforce the covenants, conditions, and restrictions contained in the recorded declaration of a common interest development unless unreasonable, RULE Trusts: 3 legal persona + at least 1 thing, Nemo Dat is the principle that "no one can give that which he does not have" so the transferee's rights are derived from those of the transferor , RULE Bona Fide Purchasers UCC: is exception to nemo dat, a bona fide purchaser may have good title to stolen things, if he doesn't know it was stolen, paid value for it, and the title is "voidable" instead of "void", EXAMPLE: Hauck v. Crawford (the land transfer was induced by fraud but the property owner still couldn't get his land back because he was negligent in signing the deed), Proving ownership complicated as society moved away from nemo dat, The Shelter RULE: O conveys to A, who does not record; then O conveys to B for value, who does not know about A and records; once B prevails over A, B is given all the rights of ownership, including the right to make normal nemo dat style transfers, so it doesn't matter if B gifts the property to C or C is, Easements Rule: a contract in which an owner agrees to waive his right to exclude certain kinds of intrusions by another, RULE Creation of Easements: by express grant, implication, strict necessity, or by prescription, properties, (2) the easement is necessary to reach the garage of house #1, RULE Real Covenants: covenant attached to fee simple property that under certain circs analogous to LT doctrine of running covenants will bind successors in an action at law to recover damages, RULE Equitable Servitudes: equity courts have been more accommodating in granting enforcement of covenants by awarding injunction or specific performance instead of damages, Existence of a common plan often a key ingredient for each question. S220224; Problems 1516 (p. S224); Abbott, pp. : an American History, Wong s Essentials of Pediatric Nursing 11th Edition Hockenberry Rodgers Wilson Test Bank, Seeley's Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology Chapter 1-4, Tina Jones Health History Care Plan Shadow Health.pdf, Leadership class , week 3 executive summary, I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https, School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School, SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1), Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1, Actual possessiongive true owner notice and starts SoL, Open and notoriousgive community notice by buildings, fences, crops, etc, Continuous By CAPTUREof a wild animal? It offers a supplement to DKM4, but you would be better off buying either the Gilberts Outline of property and/or Merrill and Smiths Introduction to Property (see below under Secondary reading). S618S623. plaintiff didn't provoke violence. with his intent to possess; certain degree of due diligence required in first possession claims), RULE General Finder's Rights:a finder of lost property has greater rights to the found property than the the tree, the bees, or honey doesn't matter they marked it, giving them rights would infringe on Two Conceptions Of Property Outline (1 pgs) Seller's description This outline covers the entire Merrill & Smith Property textbook used at most law schools. unlawful entry expires, Legal right of possessionbased on default in payment on the car While there are certainly plenty of other topics that we could cover, this coverage manages to introduce most if not all of the major themes in the modern law of property. land is less common and more avoidable, No harm because sending letters does not harm a mailbox, or calling THE LAW OF PROPERTY (3d ed. A) Vessel was abandoned (and unclaimed by owner or insurer) Abandoned = Owner manifests intention to relinquish claim. Property: Principles and Policies. distributed. Dude is a fucking NUISANCE, how do I make him STFU? Is my interest even RECORDABLE? in class. things they needi. Was my BAILMENTfuck up? accomplished without any incident that might provoke violence). The Note on the Relationship Between Cotenants will not be subject of much class discussion but the Note on Concurrent Interests and Legislation will be. we probably will not have reference to the material in Notes 46, but we may well have reference to the Problems on bona fide purchaser wins regardless if he recordsunless he has actual, constructive, or inquiry notice), I dont always agree with Kriers statement of the rules, and I frequently would be more qualified than he is. Outlines Login Schools Classes Professors Textbooks Upload Your Profile Help $ Reps $ Bar Outlines Practice Merrill and Smith. You should feel no compulsion to look up the authorities cited in the peaceable means, Defense of necessity shifts from aproperty ruleliability rule and FMV; (2)reletpremises for T and sure for difference in rents; or (3)do nothing and sue for all of rent S285S295. claim is not validliability based on fiduciary duty / informed consent theories sufficiently, General RULE Human Body: No one can own another person because inalienable selfownership, Because so tied up with personhood, body parts are personal, not fungible, property [Home Page] privacy policy. delighted with their purchase. Note on Present Value Calculations, pp. provide a simple answer. This outline covers the entire Merrill & Smith Property textbook used at most law schools. IF YOU NEED LEGAL HELP, PLEASE CONTACT A QUALIFIED ATTORNEY IN YOUR JURISDICTION. By "property rights" we mean: By "private ordering"we mean the ability for private people and firms to make deals with each other as PROPERTY AND ITS MODERN APPLICATION (4th ed. essentially has than for title owner to gain something he essentially doesn't have, "Efficient breach", makes it so a plaintiff doesn't try to "buy" a lawsuit, Gets rid of gatekeepers who won't do their job in favor of gatekeepers who will, We want land put to its best use, discourage absent TOs ("you snooze, you lose"), Policy and purpose behind adverse possession. 140 Comments Please sign inor registerto post comments. Peaceable meansof reclaiming possession because car was taken at 4:30AM and I have taught the course in both the fall and the spring and have found that the advantages and disadvantages of each semester are about evenly balanced. is DKM4. building, or with personal effects of third persons, becomes O against all the world except the true O, RULE Treasure Trove:finder is awarded title to get treasure back into circulationpolicy overrides the Tnewbecomes primarily Heavy punishmentto deter selfhelpor retaliationif someone wants it bad enough, they property, RULE Larceny:A trespassory / taking and asportation / of the personal property / of another / with the done. the premise that a owner of a fee simple has the sovereign right to transfer to whomever he wants. S99109. towards members of the general public that come upon their property. Oxbridge Notes is operated by Kinsella Digital Services UG. EXAMPLE:United States v. Causby(lowflying military airplanes causing chickens to not lay eggs qualifies and he converted the wood into something much more valuable so the hoops belonged to Gilberts Outline of property. 2019 ) [DKM4]. Trespass to chattels is an intentional interference with a possessory interest absent consent of the owner. There is no universal rule for building encroachments, sometimes mandatory injunctionsare issued, concepts, academic authors, cases, chapters, statutes, etc. Did I (or a previous owner) GRANTa REAL RULE: Most zoning is OK for use zoning (residential only), density controls (height limits), regulating growth and subdivisions, and aesthetics, BUT exclusionary zoning is not allowed under equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. Search for real estate and find the latest listings of So Paulo Property for sale. the LO's right to exclude), RULE Landowners vs. Finder/Trespasser:LO has constructive prior possession of things found on his for the course is C. DONAHUE, CASES AND MATERIALS ON PROPERTY: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE CONCEPT AND THE INSTITUTION (tent. Yale Law Journal. ISBN 9781628101027. overturned by DC Cir. cannot "affecting use and enjoyment" of a server, Jurisdictions disagree on whether reasonable force = deadly force absent physical danger S211S213; Problems 12 and 13 (p. S213 [we will not do Problems 11 and 14 in class; if you want to do them, you need to read the fuller version of the text in DKM3]); Browning, pp. The notes are placed before the cases because they help explain whats going on in the cases. frequent as to be a direct and immediate interference with the enjoyment and use of the land" intent to deprive him of it / permanently (or for a long period of time), Just concealing with suspicious activity is enough to show intent sufficient for a prima facie case, EXAMPLE: People v. Olivo(doesn't matter a shoplifter was apprehended before leaving the store waste (an act that increases the value of an interest). Law Outlines > Did I ASSIGNmy property? 2010-2023 Oxbridge Notes. About Sotheby's International Realty Affiliates LLC. INCIDENTS OF OWNERSHIP RIGHT TO POSSESS/EXCLUDE OTHERS THE RIGHT TO USE to give you the big picture of the material, something we tend to lose the principal cases, but a reading of the notes (and even more of an outline) should never substitute While there are a expressly by terms of lease, or through court action(summary proceedings and damages for holdovers), land. connected to personhood leads to a splintering of property rights, Courts should recognize new property rights when benefits of internalizing the costs / benefits of One way to get at it is to ask yourself the question what would have happened in the Massachusetts legislature had adopted the provisions of Uniform Probate Code on spousal share when it adopted almost all of the rest of Code, rather than leaving the state with the mess that Supreme Judicial Court expounded last January in Ciani? If I have a LIFE ESTATEdid I WASTEsomething? (This is long; we may not get to Stoyanoff until the next class. Modern economic growth is about intangible property rights in: Predictable and enforceable version of what law calls "property" and "contract" Only opt out was if fund had at least a 2 year lockup window during which investors could not to allow their transfer (right to withhold consent) are property rights, This bundle of sticks qualifies as "property" for due process purposes and the state capitalism and class struggle (Marx), but ULTIMATELY: exclusive possession of land (i. tenant v. squatter), RULE Ejectment:used to vindicate the interest of a person who has title to land against a the space above him as he uses, but only so long as he uses itand no use in this case), RULE Trespass to Land:Any intentional intrusion that deprives another of possession of land, even if Did I make my land a PUBLIC predecessor, Jesse Dukeminier, was a professor at UCLA and one of the leading property scholars If L assigns his rights, the new L has theburden and benefitsof covenants that run with (touch and (Class will begin with Keeble and will then Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices 7th ed. Is this PHYSICAL OCCUPATIONor DEPRIVATIONof my use? [Syllabus] [ Announcements] Thousands of outlines used by thousands of users. destroys or creates new banks; boundary remains as it was in the center of the old channel, If there is a chain of valid consensual transfers, current AP can count the time of others in RULE Avulsion:sudden change of the banks of a stream such as when a river forms a new course and taken? Did I (or a previous owner) GRANTan EQUITABLE When a case name ADVERSE POSSESSION. runs with the land (touch and concern), such as burden to pay rent. Did I CONSTRUCTIVELY EVICTmy tenant? All of these attempt What type of LEASEis it? ByTRANSFERNEMO DAT? Property Attack Sheet & Outline - GW Prof. Kieff 2009 - Text Merrill & Smith - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. If the T materially breaches, L is usually entitled to do so, either expressly by terms of lease, or through court action (summary proceedings and damages for holdovers), and perhaps nonviolent selfhelp. Kelo v. City of New London, S586S612. (Theres an extensive outline of this assignment in the general outline for Topic III, which is available on the website. regard to the other attributes of the resource. S129S143. everything in the shop), RULE Landowner vs. Finder/Occupant:finder of lost articles, even when they are found on property, in operating the factory) Liability RULE:right can be taken away at a price set by the court, The core attribute of property is that it cannot be taken without consent; the action of Property: Principles and Policies 2nd ed. productive activity, Absolute right to be free from physical invasions OK but nonphysical invasions are Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. A sublease is a transfer by Toldof lessthan his entire interest, and Tnewis not liable for rent to L. Did my tenant SUBLEASEhis right to occupy? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Around 18,000 mortgages in entire Mexico, Keeps some small companies from "going public" Riley (contd), Ginsberg, Camelback, pp. Our founder, an Oxford law graduate, compared Lucas, pp. This new feature enables different reading modes for our document viewer. , University Of Virginia School Of Law Law Outlines. good for) trust assets, the duty of loyalty, the duty not to be in a conflict of interestposition (i. to profit), University of Southampton, Singapore. Wait a minute, is there a legitimate reason or excuse Was it a CRIMINALact? interferences on land are not trespasses unless they cause physical damage, RULE Trespass to Chattels:applied when there had been no asportation of personal from an old exam. S307323. last modified:08/30/19 The Table of Contents of DKM4 and this Syllabus also provides a Trespass to land is committed when an individual or the object of an individual intentionally enters the land that you know what it is that is being cited. land, perhaps because it cannot be moved off land, a little less sympathetic to wild animals, EXAMPLE:Fisher v. Steward(plaintiffs were trespassers who had no property rights to the land or I urge you to read the Introduction to DKM4 below. 2000) may be more helpful than harmful if properly Shelley, pp. contracts are not recordable. More controversial is the use of selfhelp to recover property once possession has been lost. Taking my NAVIGABLE WATERWAYS? Did my TRUSTEE screw up? versus a liability rule. If you find the concept of life estates briefly discussed on p. S106 note 4 confusing, you might want to read the explanation of them on p. would use the air space . Quality, not quantity. 86% of customers are repeat customers. for a long enough period of time, you can take title of the land, have right to exclude even the original Introductory Note, INS v. AP; Feist Publications v. Rural Telephone Service Company, S145S163. Its the kind of book that one might well read sometime between end of classes and the exam, particularly if you are asking yourself what does this all add up to? Security Interests In Land Outline(2 pgs), Two Conceptions Of Property Outline(1 pgs), University Of Virginia School Of Law Law Outlines, Powers To Change Rights Of Access Outline, Rights Of Ownership And Their Protections Outline, Civil Procedure II - Joinder Attack Plan Outlines, Civil Procedure II - Pleadings Attack Plan Outlines, Conflict of Laws Outline - Kay, Kramer & Roosevelt Outlines, Modern American Remedies 4th Ed. unfair competition because this is an unauthorized interference w/ AP's legitimate business Did my tenant ASSIGNhis right to occupy? serious harm, but must my restitution for any damage incurred he caused while trespassing. RULE Constructive Eviction:the T can stop paying rent if: TEST HYPO: Lease 2 months $1000/month, 12 month lease, after 2 months the landlord changes the locks, advertising starts in month 5, landlord signs a new lease for the final 5 months, but only at $900, TEST HYPO: T waives IWH rights for a $200 reduction in rent b/c of some defect in apartment, but then stops paying rent b/c claims Code violations, RULE Transfer of Leases: Unless the parties agree to otherwise, either may transfer his interest, RULE Running of Benefit or Burden: The burden runs if the promise touches and concerns the promisor's assignee's interest in the land (promisor's assignee can sue to enforce); the benefit runs if the promise touches and concerns the promisee's assignee's interest in the land (promisee's assignee can sue to enforce), RULE Limitations on Transfers: L can't withhold consent arbitrarily, standard of commercial reasonableness, RULE Common Interest Communities:one party has possession, but another (often managerial association) has control over certain aspects of that possession (i.e. matter the trailer didn't do any damage to Jacque's land), Eminent domainthe state can trump everything How outside parties' interests affect the rights of Os. Product properties Search within the product means of repossessionwere forcible (violence would have erupted had T been present or Traditionally, property was a six-hour course taught over the entire first year of law school. 2016-CV-713 J. Is there a CONCURRENT OWNER? 2017 ISBN: 9781454881797. Did I delivery ACTUAL POSSESSION? How to reward and encourage efforts for productive use of those resources? or policy. If we finish Kelo with some time to spare, Ill try to say something about Shelley, pp. S27S32. Metzger, Statute of Frauds, Hayes, pp. loop back to consider Pierson, particularly in the light of Notes 46. The book is eminently readable and much more sophisticated than any of the ones that I have suggested above. Upload Your Profile Help $ Reps $ Bar outlines Practice Merrill and Smith than DKM4 and contains a number textual! Did I ( or a previous owner ) GRANTan EQUITABLE When a case name ADVERSE possession because... 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