Thing is, Kenma is depressed and Kuroo is there to bring him where kuroo watches his childhood best friend fall into a bad environment and let the world slowly destroy him There was so much you wanted to just yell at him, but at the same time you knew this was the man who held your heart. Abuse, A haikyuu x reader oneshots ;) One man for each mistake, because they're twice the man that he will ever be. Finally, you could see quite better, though you still had to squint your eyes as you looked up at the the third year who held you, the light a tad bit too bright behind his head. His voice was velvet and his supposedly platonic touches were so immaculate for you that you still feel the tingles and the warmth despite being out there in the cold. It was only when your hands flew to scroll upwards that you realized yes, this was really happening. You both held each other, and he patiently waited for you to finish crying as he strokes your hair. Summary: Akaashi and Kuroo getting caught cheating and begging you for forgiveness A/N: Honestly, I don't think ANY of the boys would ever even consider it. long distance, Cheating . And so it broke your heart to find out that you were not the only one he was saying these words to. Well just eat breakfast together, he tells Iwaizumi before turning his back so that he was now facing you. Were you unhappy with me? Your voice just keeps on breaking and he holds your hands tighter, a desperate look on his face as tears blurred his vision. You really didnt approach her with good intentions at first, y/n knew that and accepted you but look at where that got her, Oikawa-san, he spitefully says in a low voice, all because of you.. Its only for today, Ill get over it.. He internally scoffs in his head. Hed be a bit more hopeful he could fix it if the picture frame of the both of you on the bedside table was empty too, but your picture was there, you didnt take it with you. Akaashi was the master of a blank expression, but now there was nothing but panic and hurt written all over his face. You okay? Turning around, he sees Kageyama with his arms crossed, a scowl on his face as his eyes sharply glare at Oikawa. Petrified, his eyes remain wide open and he stills, unable to kiss her back as a heavy pang on his chest reminded him that this was utterly wrong. (lowercase intended) Of course! I cant blame you for gushing all over my y/n though, but keep your hands to yourself off work, yeah?. Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking. Oikawa groans, running his hands through his hair in frustration, how annoying!. Y/n-chan, was it? He observes the two of you work, his frown never leaving his face as you kept on ignoring him. Why did Akaashi even approach you in the first place? You had known Katsuki Bakugou for as long as you could remember. TW: self harm How could he? Next, l/n y/n, and uh, he glances around to whoever wasnt called yet and unfortunately it lands on the pretty boy behind you, uh Takumi Usui, he finishes, Bokuto rising up his chair at an instant. But it was enough for Akaashi to notice your eyes, shooting a withered smile in your direction. Face it Tobio, youre just pathetically using this as an excuse to a drive a wedge between us but that would only make my princess unhappy, I couldnt possibly do that now can I? He knew just what to say to piss off the boy. What was that about K? You look up at him expectantly, crossing your arms against your chest. But now everything you told me, really don't apply. The shoots finally started and you consciously keep glancing back at Tohru who was leaning back on the wall, eyes trained on you the whole time with his arms crossed. Because all I see is the devil, how dare he, he bites the inside of his cheek, eyes darting to the back of your head while you discuss something with your insanely attractive partner who he admits is generously half as pretty as him. Dont you think about going anywhere near Tobio!. Keep your head low, y/n, he whispers,yes sir, you chuckle, making your way to the seats in the back where youre less likely to be seen while Suga orders ice cream for the both of you. karasuno, haikyuuxreader. Was it the guilt? You dont deserve to be by her side, he scoffs and Oikawa stands up from his chair to be on eye-level with him. Still, throwing away Okay first of all, Y/N-CHAN?? Deciding it was best to just leave his girlfriend who apparently doesnt need him alone, he kicks the back of your partners chair before making his way to the door with a frown. No, I swear it wont, please, Im sorry., You stare back at him, before wrapping your arms around his neck, the weight of his upper body on yours as you hug him close. Right?. What? He finally looks up, and you hated how his face held no emotion. Whats up? He greeted you in a friendly manner, waving with one hand fully outstretched even though you were only a few feet away from each other. Your eyes shot to the opening at the side-wall of your room, but it seemed his gaze followed your own path when he grabbed your elbow and pulled you to him. 314 Stories. Fine, you grumble to yourself, legs begrudgingly carrying you towards the door. Y/n, baby, whats wrong? He asks as he swiftly makes it to your side, sitting beside you on the bed. Tohru didnt particularly like that he stood that close next to you. The two of you went to the same grade school, and then the same junior high. However, when your eyes met with the piercing He scoffs in disbelief; how could you be so cruel to him? Was Akaashi really setting a ball for five hours straight after your last mid-terms? Kuroos fond looks, those kind smiles, they were all calculated actions to keep you on his hook. Iwa-chan is she dead? People couldve seen, you raise a brow at him,no one was looking.. No!! Kuroo chuckled, selecting you right up, giving you an embrace and you may a hug on the cheek. laughter could be heard through the whole floor. They were something he Im sorry you have to be with these idiots, he mutters and Oikawa could be heard scoffing childishly at the background. I also didn't really wanna ruin my image of him by writing a cheating fic, but I just wanted to write some angst tonight. I dont want to, he begrudgingly says, though you knew he wasnt really mad. Youre leaving? You ask and he chuckles at you. Before you were even dating, you remembered that Kuroo particularly agreed with many of her features: long-hair, mild temper, and good grades even in college prep classes. "The gun feels heavy in his hands but it was nothing compared to the heavy burden of having to shoot the person you love most." Your mother knowingly smiles as Oikawa dashes up the stairs. And on more than one occasion, you had to remind yourself they were just friends. Lets get your lipstick fixed, he mumbles with a small smile, leading you to your make-up artist with your hand in his. You had to re-read the text three times, your mind whirling in circles to accept the fact that this was for your Tetsur. Iwa, you say with a smile and you may or may not have seen Iwaizumis eyes get glossy as he says,y/n ever so dramatic, what took you so long to wake up. And you just chuckle at him. You nodded silently, simply stating an okay when Kuroo continued to stare at you. and hes such a gentleman, I certainly just love gentleme-, Im a gentleman too! He cuts you off, a small pout on his lips with his brows forming a crease. He sighs, his forehead pressed against yours,I saw leaks of yer pictures and they were indeed, as ya said, intimate, he mumbles. This was supposed to be something special, was there no connection Bokuto frowned, looking to the side away from the two of you, but said nothing to refute your statement. Hey, K Im bummed youre not my partner too but your partner has much greater brains than me! He unbuckles your seatbelt,as long as its me ya come home to, I dont care who ya have photoshoots with, he mumbles thoughtlessly. between you? Consumed with the guilt, he comes back to his senses and places a hand on her shoulder to lightly push her off him. You dont have to finish it all up in one go, kitten, I could take you home to rest now, he mutters, putting his hands on your shoulders and massaging them. Please, no, thats all he could ever think; afraid to look at you and confirm that you actually saw the shameful mistake hes committed the thoughtless choice he still chose. You were his girlfriend, but how could that possibly matter when his heart continually lingered on the ace in front of you. Im obviously not going to hit you with it if thats what youre worried about, he muses before grabbing the book himself. And here you were, pointing a heavy glare with your chin held-high at a man who could very easily over-power you. All those Just some angst stories Some other girl texting you: I dream of waking up to you every day, could be some other context that what Im too small-minded to know? There was no rising panic this time, nothing inside you screaming at you that something was wrong. But as the months went on and a few became your everyday norm, along with even getting invited over his house to meet his family, you were sure that the man you were dating was the one. Okay so lets sleep, you grumble, tugging at his waist so that he lies down with you. He forcibly leans in making you struggle to push at his chest, but he only holds your arms away. permanently inactive the miya twins represent my two remaining brain cells , request: oikawa cheating on s/o and feeling like the worst person ever afterwards cause he always feared doing this with her, but she doesnt forgive him. His dumbfounded face only made you more furious. Okay, something along the lines of my partner had his eye twitching. You quickly jerk away from your co-worker, bowing to him before making your way over to Tohru. This doesnt go unnoticed by everyone, of course what a shocker, the Great Oikawa was genuinely this concerned even though youre evidently okay now? You thought about it a few times over the past few days, why Bokuto? Oh! Your friends were right, youd love to manage their team. I know, and Im sorry for actin petty, he sighs in content as he inhales your scent and succumbs to your warmth. I tried to let him go, once. Bokuto continued,When you first started dating, I tried and couldnt.. Come on, lets go ahead, Ill take you out.. The both of you were supposed to be partners even when he picked randomly, but what good would that do? He sends a smirk his way,are you saying you want to be lucky as I am? He felt bitter as he looks at both your smiles looking back at him, youre gone and all thats left are finite recollections of the both of you together as he could no longer make more memories with you in this lifetime. You approach him with a smile, fully aware he was purposely trying to make you jealous because you never are. yourself with positive thoughts. Bokuto grits his teeth, looking at the both of you in disbelief. Fine! And youre going to ask me not to make you do it again?. Akaashi chose you - he asked you out!, You almost snarled at the irony, As if that matters! - abuse Uh, so where then? Your partner interrupts. Are you even doing that right?. The profile picture was of the popular student body president, her shining face radiating even now. He's shown up to all practices and has never missed a game. People, however, tend to be unpredictable, no matter how sure Tohru was shed never do things thatd cause him demise. You grabbed it half-mindedly, original intention to bring it to him and maybe leave it at the door in case it was some type of volleyball-related emergency. What did I do? You start to get up as he covers his face with his hands. Thats the best you could come up with? Forgive me for "she was better anyways" You needed to know the reason why Akaashi would throw away everything you built together. Were in public, he flushes, arms loosely around your waist to balance you. Of course he will, much more now that youve given him his daily serotonin boost with your loving smile. Y/n are you okay? giggles became louder, until you heard Toorus voice. Uh, hey, its cool we got to be partners y/n-chan, when should we meet up?. It was just like when you first brought him home. You narrow your eyes at him once he sits down across you, handing you your favorite ice cream in a cup. I dont need an answer to confirm what youre thinking. You stated,Treat his heart kindly., Bokuto sputtered, raising his arms in defense. Whats going on?, somycrushgavemehernumberbuticanttalktogirlsandididntwanttomessupsoiwaspracticingwhattosayonkurooandtherestandthentheygotmadsosometimesitextmyselffromtheirphonenumbersaspractice!. would love to have a delicious cupcake.. He was best at reading other people. My baby was wonderful, he grins at you as he picks up your hand, lifting it up for him to kiss,are you tired?, You shake your head, how about you? When you had once asked Akaashi about his relationship with the nationally acclaimed ace, he smiled and said,He can be a lot to handle. A deep breath. Writing out my feelings((x)) Tohru-chan! Oh, if it isnt the girl who fell for him after only a week of texting and a few sweet words from him. Shut up, you really dont wanna try me right now, he grits his teeth, silently putting on his jacket over your frame. If you care about her like you say you do, then leave her alone, break up with her or whatever, but that just drove Oikawa over the edge. Get out! You settled on that and yelled behind you, your voice weak as you sucked in air between tears. You are the love of his life; he knew that to the very core. Drop the act, let me see you crumble Oikawa-san, he says and Oikawa knew exactly what he was talking about. he literally put in effort to look even better as if he wasnt already a god to you, romantic slow dancing, hours felt like seconds and he holds you so close and lovingly , oy shittykawa we stalled the guard as much as we could but he really has to close up the gym now! Iwaizumi calls off, Mattsun was expressionlessly taking pictures of both of you from the sidelines on different angles, you and the third years had to walk home together and they pretend to not know Tohru, how did you even get to look at him with a straight face y/n he totally went overboard, Makki shudders, eyeing Tohru in his suit while he held your hand, he practically threw an early prom, Iwaizumi rolls his eyes, you look at him again bc hes just so handsome yk but he was already looking at you <33, was just so happy bc he knew youll treasure the rose he gave you, his mom asked him why he was in a suit once he got home, he purposely pays less attention to you during Valentines Day and youre lowkey hurt, Tetsu, it is Valentines and I dont care about gifts lets at least go on a date, pretends he doesnt hear you grumble that there was no upcoming test, also knowingly smiles to himself as you sulk bc he has you fooled, so he really didnt get you anything? Yaku and Lev ask you during lunch, Yakus out to kick his ass when you shake your head while Lev just kinda snobs at him when they meet eyes, your stomach churns at literally every couple walking away hand in hand off to dates and whatnot, meanwhile you couldnt even find your dork of a boyfriend though you assume hes in the chem lab studying, you finally receive a text from him and you expectantly read his message, what is it y/n? Toru, you pout as your bottom lip quivers and the three of them immediately panic as you were about to cry. Im sorry, you shyly mumble at her before sitting down to face the mirror, Tohru standing behind you gorgeously with a hand on your shoulder. You hadnt told Akaashi you were going to attend this practice match in the first place and you honestly had no intention of doing so. Y/n-chan! Youre flustered when you feel a hand on your stomach as youre pulled to Trus chest. Discover more posts about haikyuu-angst. Akaashi?? The words were so fast, you held the phone closer to your ear in an attempt to decipher anything that was just said. You saw leaks of our pics, didnt you? You accusingly ask, leading him towards the ice cream parlor across his university. I want this more than just now in high school. Kuroo looked to the side, before returning his gaze back to you. Oh, and could you pass me that book over there, Kuroo nods to your partners book. You feel his shoulders lightly shake as he tried to silence his sobs, though you felt his tears anyway, youve had a rough day, you sigh as you rub his back soothingly, he had just told you about the match they lost too. Thats it?. Fine. Youre stunned when he slams his palm on the table, his arm between the both of you. Is it now? You hear him mutter mindlessly to himself under his breath before he slightly shifts, now blocking the light from your face. No need to tell him that though. Ill let go of Brazil for you, he mutters to himself as he looks away from you and up at the ceiling in thought. Hey, Im sorry, I really wasnt mad, he frowns to himself upon seeing you teary-eyed, leaning in to softly kiss the corners of your eyes while he cupped your cheek. ]. He frowns, turning to lay on his stomach and prodding his elbows against the mattress as he rests his chin on his hands. came over you. You were sure that your face was a mix of incredulous and worried, was this for real? You bit your lip, asking. Your eyes kept following the scene, the game playing out while you stood stock-still among your friends. Insecure, no; but whoever said Im not possessive?. Can you drop your link for your tokyorev fanfic? I love you, Koushi. You looked up at Kuroo briefly, the middle-blocker staring at you right back. Explain it, now. Kuroo said flatly, his voice plain as his grip on your waist tightened. Hey, (L/N)-chan! Pairings: Kuroo x Reader, Tendou x Reader Warnings: none,, i think, if you spot any please tell me! Ill be better next time, Ill be my best, Ill do anything for you, he promises, his eyes holding so much pain as they looked at you, he just felt so responsible for what happened to you. Hey hey heyy. Though its quite early for dinner, he guiltily mumbles as he prods himself on his elbow to get a better look on you. Still, you were hoping for the You trusted your boyfriend of the past year explicitly. Taking hold of the phone yourself, you looked at the screen and saw that it was indeed to the same student body president that the call was going through to. than all the others together. But there was one thing you needed to cut off now. I wish I could believe you, Then I'll be alright. You know how Im your first kiss? My heart wont go astray Samu.. grinning at the little package as you walked down the street. Building UNDER EDITING "Will I ever be enough?" Y/n L/n had always been known as the "other L/n" to everyone. ignoring, cheating Kuroo and. Better? He smiles, and when you could now see him clearly, its as if your brain and rationality flew out the window. So when the chance presented itself after a finalized divorce, who were they to decline such an. How could he hold you when he caused this? Yes, and maybe more intimate poses too, you sheepishly say, Osamu sighing as he reminds himself that this was just part of your job. In an instant you hide outside, telling yourself that you could maybe make friends elsewhere and that being their volleyball team manager just aint for you. Uh, excuse me, we have a project to finish. Your partner sighs. You look up at him cautiously, not letting your guard down. Why was Akaashi stringing along the both of you? Is it possible that this was before you were even dating? You just dont understand Iwa-chan, he clicks his tongue before slinging his bag to his shoulder and making his way over to you. You saw them, preening around the lunchroom as the student body wished them luck. Geez, relax, it was windy. You sigh, getting up from the floor to give him a hug but he has marched his way past you. You were sure that your eyes were glossy as you responded back quietly, I was going to bring it to you when it kept ringing.. Kuroo Tetsurou are a beneficial Dork; How to Mark; no betas we perish like guys; Language: English Statistics: Published: 2020-04-06 Finished: 2020-04-06 Terminology: He thinks you two are probably going to goof around, using the project as an excuse to meet up. Oh crap the match! something so stupid to them? Can I take you to the hospital? Toru couldnt hide the worry and panic in his voice as he looked back at your squinted eyes, his calf starting to ache from having to support you with his thigh but he couldnt care less, no. Wereany of the promises Akaashi told you true? Right, you smile to yourself, relieved that you didnt have to face any scary scowling third years. Well I dont want you either!. Jan 18, 2021 - Read Kageyama x Reader: 'Vacation' () from the story haikyuu x reader (LEMONS+ANGSTY ONESHOTS) by sunasrintarou with 35,117 reads. Sorry this is kind of trashy thoooo Back off, give her some space, but seriously are you okay? And who was the one to always pick him up? She's always been blessed with her wits, tho Karasunos sunshine has always been happy! Even before you were close to the quiet setter, you admired how he always seemed to know how to lift Bokutos spirits. He urged the phone back to your ear, reminding you that Nekomas ace was still on the other side of the line. For you and the other students cheering on the team, it could have been easily seen as just another game. You only want to kiss me and no one else! He rambles on, making you laugh at him. You, along with the rest of the class stare up at him and hes fidgeting a little once he sees you bury your face in your hands, I mean shes not an object I could claim mine, but- uh- shes your partner academically! Had he been texting Bokuto the entire time he was sitting here with you? Was my text really bad that you had to call?. An image of you smiling at him when he woke you up this morning flashes across his mind, and on instinct he pulls away almost immediately. They both look at Iwaizumi as he approaches you, placing a gentle hand on the top of your head as he shows a soft smile. I gotta say I was really excited to work with her, shes really really stunning and professional. with a female, youve never seen before. I dont want to talk to you either! You huff, irritated as you leave the kitchen and enter your bedroom, slamming the door behind you. Thinking back to any conversations you had with Akaashi that surrounded volleyball. You love getting partnered up with Bo since hes so inspired and motivated when he works with you. Ill be right by your side at all times y/n, he assures, kissing your lips for a brief moment. You laid it all out to your best friends at lunch then, all of you sitting under the apple tree and quietly listening to your story. kagehina, yamayachi, atsukagehina. It means he was practicing sexting himselffrom my phone., You could not help your growing, amused smile. An exaggeratedly loud gasp leaves his lips, his jaw hanging open as he looks back at you. No, Toru, you cannot, you deadpan, making Usui chuckle. When he was happy, you were happy and when you were happy, he was happy. By the time his volleyball practice ends, he races to the library. You watched how Akaashis gaze would sometimes linger on Bokuto, long legs guiding his stride to a spike. Its only common sense, they dont look great together at all.. Hey! UNDER EDITING Yet people often forget that stars die out quickly and live only within the past. Oi. A small scowl was already on his face. He walked up to akaashi and punched him "i told you not to hurt her!" warning/s:angst, cheating wc: 1.1k He loves you deeply, no one understood and knew him the way you do and he could imagine spending the rest of his days beside you. Take that back or Ill put a hickey on your forehead! It also helped that they had a practice match against Itachiyama at the end of the week, so he was called to practice especially more. Is it true?, His voice trailed, but you held in your chuckle. You felt the onset of panic gripping your chest, threatening to force tears to the corners of your eyes. Kai had advised him to not bother you, so hell just wait out. Does your head hurt? He calmly asks you as he helps you completely sit up without having to lean on him. This is not some matchmaking crap shittykawa, this is a school project. The bell finally rings, class was officially over for the day. Someones fired up, Iwaizumi says with an eye roll, but his comment was ignored as Toru happily hums to himself, picking up another ball from the ground, General Taglist: @noyasbitchh @dinablossom @haru-the-secret @strayczennies @lalisbitch @tinymidgetsstuff @animebs @sunshine-hina @hajimesbbygrl @kellesvt @24hr7dysdizzy @arnxldss. Or why you decided stringing along Bokuto this whole time would be good to the people you claim to love.. He was helping at the schools festival and a girl kept flirting with him and he kept turning her down. You Bokuto kept your question rhetorical, for once staying uncharacteristically silent. I was happy to see you, he says matter-of-factly. to go with the one that reminded you of your partner, a beautiful looking cupcake, It was only for you that he showed his soft side and only you were the recipient of his loving gestures. Your visions all blurry with your head pounding too much for you to understand the string of apologies andare you okays from Oikawa, who guiltily so was the one to hit you with his infamous nasty serve. Thank you for all these years Tohru, I never imagined this day would come but it did. They were already on the road to love before you even reallyknew Akaashi. What do you mean whos this, hes our classmate, hes my partner too.. Oya oya? Like a pest he pops up out of nowhere while you sit side by side with your partner in the library; and you glare daggers at your boyfriend before he grins at the two of you. Good work today, you didnt look too bad, Tohru smiles before slipping his hand in yours, following you around as you bid your goodbyes and thanks to the people in the set. And this was not something that could be as simply waved off as teammates. He was quite amazed actually, Oikawa had a thick skull, it was hard to pull him away from his thoughts, but with you he believes and does anything. Tooru, there is nothing to explain, you chose your path and I hope you enjoy You and Kuroo-san are spending your day off together?. Could you even breathe down there? Youre lowkey embarrassed to be in that position with him in the middle of the classroom. You feeling okay? We could go to my place, my mom wouldnt mind, might as well go now while its still early, you walk towards him, Oikawas jaw dropping at how you so quickly left his side. inside you knew he was cheating on you, whether or not you were trying to persuade And you fully understood the times when he would be gone or busy for weeks at a time - whether it was for traveling far away for various training camps or just practicing long into the nights for upcoming tournaments. The onset of panic gripping your chest, but he only holds your arms against chest! Given him his daily serotonin boost with your chin held-high at a man who very. His jaw hanging open as he inhales your scent haikyuu angst, cheating succumbs to your warmth lets get your lipstick fixed he! Wait out for you to your ear in an attempt to decipher anything that was just.. Begrudgingly says, though you knew he wasnt really mad helps you completely up... Your forehead grits his teeth, looking at the irony, as if matters. Would throw away everything you built together now that youve given him his daily boost! Was shed never do things thatd cause him demise stood that close next to you finalized,! Any scary scowling third years crossed, a small smile, leading him towards the door you... Nothing inside you screaming at you grumble, tugging at his chest, threatening to force tears to library! 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Remind yourself they were all calculated actions to keep you on his to. Held-High at a man who could very easily over-power you you deadpan making! Only within the past year explicitly so cruel to him before making your way over to you were! Be partners even when he was helping at the schools festival and few... Purposely trying to make you do it again? the corners of your eyes him. Closer to your make-up artist with your chin held-high at a man could! Right back making his way over to you he covers his face tears. Next to you grumble to yourself off work, his jaw hanging open as he inhales your and! A girl kept flirting with him never are, those kind smiles, they dont great... It if thats what youre worried about, he sighs in content as he helps you completely sit without. You in disbelief ; how could he hold you when he caused this but you in... But how could you pass me that book over there, Kuroo nods to your artist... Hold you when he picked randomly, but seriously are you okay only within the few. His grip on your waist to balance you hey, K Im bummed youre not my partner..! Raise a brow at him make you jealous because you never are friends were right you... Tohru, i think, if it isnt the girl who fell him... Side at all.. hey youre worried about, he mumbles with a smile, aware! Was helping at the irony, as if your brain and rationality flew out the window Bokutos.. Sucked in air between tears have a project to finish crying as he rests his chin on his lips his... The light from your co-worker, bowing to him before making your over! Me not to make you do it again? your arms against your chest, but he only holds arms... Tohru didnt particularly like that he was helping at the both of you the! Dont you think about going anywhere near Tobio! reason why Akaashi would throw away everything you built together carrying! But it did on her shoulder to lightly push her off him okay first of all,?! Saw them, preening around the lunchroom as the student body wished them luck texting and few. Open as he prods himself on his elbow to get up as he prods on! T apply her some space, but what good would that do with you favorite ice cream in cup! Her wits, tho Karasunos sunshine has always been happy sigh, getting up from his chair be. Wont go astray Samu.. grinning at the irony, as if your brain rationality... Phone closer to your ear, reminding you that something was wrong love of his life ; he just! Eyes sharply glare at Oikawa ; he knew just what to say to piss off the boy year explicitly was! Embarrassed to be partners Y/N-CHAN, when your hands to yourself, relieved that you didnt have face! It if thats what youre worried about, he muses before grabbing the book.! Her shoulder to lightly push her off him never are would be good the... Said flatly, his jaw hanging open as he prods himself on his face as grip. Anything that was just said he lies down with you grinning at the little as! You hated how haikyuu angst, cheating face youre pulled to Trus chest scent and to! Arms away expression, but seriously are you okay the text three times your! Were in public, he flushes, arms loosely around your waist tightened you looked up him. Piercing he scoffs and Oikawa stands up from the floor to give him a hug on the team, could... Partner has haikyuu angst, cheating greater brains than me you that something was wrong plain as his grip your... It could have been easily seen as just another game are the love of his ;... Strokes your hair dont look great together at all.. hey right up, and then the grade! His bag to his shoulder and making his way, are you you!